Mittwoch, 21. Dezember 2011

Bootanimation for Android

If you're rooted you can replace the bootanimation in system/media.

If not rooted you can use ADB to push the to data/local.
Android devices upon bootup will look in data/local first for the file,
if it's not there than it will go to system/media.

If you put it in data/local it leave the original alone, and you can always go back to it by deleting the file in data/local.

Folder with animated PNG's (eg. part0)
Description File (desc.txt)

[WIDE in pixel] [HIGH in pixel] [SPEED in frames per sec]

[SPEED] = 1 = 1 frame each second
[SPEED] = 10 = 10 frames each second
[SPEED] = 100 = 100 frames each second <- wont work because its too high... it seems as though its capped at ~ 30-40fps... i dont know how good your eyes are but there does seem to be a speed difference between 30fps and 40fps... ?

[PLAY] = p = anything other than that = black screen

[COUNT] = 100 = PLAY [FOLDER] 100 TIMES (i think there is a cap because when i set it to 100 it plays for about a minute then stops... cant imagine it executed the animation 100 times in that timeframe... ?)

[WAIT] = 0 = wait 0sec before playing the animation again
[WAIT] = 1 = wait 1sec before playing the animation again (i dont see a difference between 0 and 1)
[WAIT] = 10 = wait 10sec before playing the animation again
[WAIT] = 100 = wait 100 sec before playing the animation again
note: [WAIT] is contingent on having [COUNT] > 1

480 200 20
p 0 0 part0

Dienstag, 13. Dezember 2011

Third party codecs on Fedora

1. Open a terminal as root user

2. After enable third party repo install the following packages
  • yum -y install gstreamer gstreamer-plugins-good gstreamer-plugins-bad gstreamer-plugins-ugly libdvdread libdvdnav lsdvd libdvdcss ffmpeg ffmpeg-libs gstreamer-ffmpeg libmatroska xvidcore xine-lib xine-lib-extras-freeworld xine-plugin 
Now you should be able to play mp3, mp4, mkv, avi …files on Fedora. :D