Montag, 2. Juli 2012

Xoom MZ601 Tablet - Install CWM-Recovery (under Linux)

Step 1:
Setup your Xoom to enable “USB Debugging”, found Settings -> Applications -> Development

Step 2:
Install Android SDK.

Step 3:
Reboot into “Fastboot” mode, by holding down the “Volume Down” button while you press the "Power Button". You will see the Text "Fastboot" in the first line of the Tabletscreen.

Step 4:
Change to the Directory where the fastboot binary from the SDK is installed.
Run fastboot oem unlock to unlock the Bootloader.

Step 5:
Download the ClockworkMod Recovery ROM from here and copy it to the same directory where the fastboot binary is located.

Step 6:
Flash the ClockworkMod Recovery ROM with following command:
fastboot flash recovery recovery-clockwork-

Step 7:
Now enter “Recvoery Mode”, by pressing “Volume Down” about 2 seconds after DualCore Motorola logo is on the screen. Choose “Recovery Mode” by pressing “Volume Down”, then press “Volume Up”.

Step 8:
Select "Backup and Restore" from Menue by changing to it with the "Volume Up/Down"  and select it with the Power Button.